I've recently seen a trend among people at club I've talked to. They're generally in the same age/life range with me being middle aged with young kids. To my surprise, I've heard the same comment multiple times.
"I want to teach them how to play but I don't want to teach them bad habits."
I can't hep but disagree with this common mindset. It is paralysis by analysis at its finest.
While your kid could be developing eye-hand coordination simply by playing, instead they're not playing at all because Dad isn't a professional table tennis coach... Hey few, if any, of us are.
Put yourself in the shoes of your say 8 year old boy or daughter and imagine this scene.
Dad - "Okay son, today we're going to learn about table tennis! I have a coach coming over at 1 pm to teach you technique. He will come over twice a week for one hour each visit. Have a good time."
Doesn't sound all that fun does it. If I didn't know any better, that sounds kinda like a job. Stranger coming in to be the boss X times per week.
Now lets picture something very different.
Dad - "Hey son. Lets go downstairs on the table and hit some."
Then while training encouraging him on good hits keeping it fun & positive.
I'm sure you can see the difference but I think the first way is a perfect recipe to have them burned out & hating table tennis in no time flat.
Kids simply want to do things with their parents/guardian. Developing that love for the game and forming those fond memories will have a far greater impact than what any professional coach could do in teaching them the proper footwork.
I can think of at least two hobbies, table tennis being one of them, that I am into because it's something I remember doing with my father and brother.
This post is not meant to be anti professional coaching. I think that has a great place if your child already likes to play and indicates they want to take the next step in getting as good as they can. There I think it makes sense.
So if you're in this position with your kids and you would like to share a fun activity with them. Not because you want them to be the next Ma Long but because you'll enjoy seeing the smile of their face when they hit the ball, grab a bucket of balls and start feeding them. Give them general guidance but keep it light.
Most importantly, have fun.
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